Over the past century, probably a hundred historians have debated the name origin of the City of Orlando. "So," I thought, "why not become 101?!" I will reveal some new tidbits and an angle not previously suggested. First, I'll lay...
Nestled in rural Seminole County, next to the Little Big Econ State Forest, Snow Hill's identity hangs on by a thread. A few dozen homes and a green highway sign provide the only indication of the community's long history. Early...
Hidden under the busy flyover intersection of Maitland Boulevard and US 17-92 are the reminders of a small town that once thrived here around 140 years ago. Mayo Avenue betrays its secret. Rudolph Gustave Mayo (August 22, 1829 - December...
Many towns in Florida were started by skilled real estate developers with capitalistic dreams of striking it rich, not Lorida. Its cowboy homesteaders sought the hard country life, building their own version of Eden on the edge of the Everglades....
Since just about 1837 there has been confusion over the name of the Seminole Wars fort and its sister towns on opposite sides of the Kissimmee River . Growing up, I guess I was a bit of a nerd. I...
“Here will soon be one of the busiest and most populous towns in Florida,” insisted one October 1925 announcement. Another advertisement boldly proclaimed the new Highlands County settlement would “become the trading center of the greatest and most profitable truck-farming, poultry-raising...