Short Stories

Bradenton Almost Replaced Tampa as Cigar Hub

Tampa began manufacturing cigars in 1886, becoming the city's primary industry. Tampa went on to be the region's principal city. But Bradenton could have filled that role instead, according to Manatee County's first settler Josiah Gates. Around 1880, Gates was...

Maitland’s Lake Lily was known as John’s Hole

In the days before railroads penetrated the forest, let's call it 1859, only a few scattered families braved living in frontier Orange and Seminole County. Back then, along the lonely Orlando-Mellonville Road, not a single house could be found between...

Tom the Turkey of Pabor Lake

Every town needs a mascot. In the Pabor Lake, it was a friendly fowl who narrowly evaded becoming Thanksgiving dinner. Every town needs a mascot, and the Pabor Lake Colony had a right-friendly one named Tom. Arguably the fowl became...

Rollins Prank Ends Era of Altamonte Tram

From its founding in 1883 until 1925, a horse-drawn street car ushered guests from the train station to the Altamonte Hotel. The storied transport came to an abrupt halt.